Tootmise digiarengu 5 sammu (Estonian)

Eziil Webinar

Tootmise digiarengu 5 sammu (Estonian)


Miks on just praegu õige aeg oma metallitöötluse ettevõtte digitaliseerimisele mõelda?

Tänapäeva kiiresti arenevas tööstusmaailmas on oluline mõista, kuidas õigeaegne digitaliseerimine, protsesside kaardistamine, tarkvara valik ja selle rakendamine võivad teie tootlikkust, efektiivsust ja lõppkokkuvõttes kasumlikkust oluliselt parandada.

Kellele on see Webinar mõeldud?







5 teemat, mida käsitleme:

Miks on digitaliseerimine oluline?

Optimaalne ajastus – millal on õige aeg?

Protsesside kaardistamine – praeguste protsesside analüüsimine ja transformatsiooni nägemine.

Tarkvara valik – kuidas leida oma vajadustele sobivaim?



… kuidas panna kõik oma osakonnad koos tööle selliselt, et kui üks lõpetab töö siis seda infot saab kasutada järgmine tööpositsioon alginfona ning jätkata oma töölõiku. Kokkuvõttes tuleb see kõik kokku üheks ülevaatlikuks pildiks, et mõista, mis toimub tootmises. Nii, et Sul oleks ülevaade ja Sa saaksid teha otsuseid mitte ei peaks reageerima sündmustele.



Maido Janke

Maido has been working in various productions for over 20 years, helping them to systematize and organize their production processes using digital solutions. He has been the implementer of ERP systems, as well as the factory manager and owner. It gave him an experience of how painful it is to make day-to-day management decisions simply by guessing. Without information. This led him to co-found Eziil to build from years of experience, the best software for project based manufacturing. In the webinar, Maido helps to see the benefits from the perspective of the manager or owner, ask difficult questions and draw more attention to important parts of the process.

Eziil CEO, co-founder/ maido.janke@eziil.com

Jaak Veebel


Jaak has worked in project-based metal production in various positions for over 17 years. He studied machine construction and started his journey as a technologist. From there he moved on to become the head of the technology department, from there to the master of the department, and he was also the production manager and factory manager. This has given him an excellent overview of all the positions and pains there. Which gives him a chance to talk about his experience of how Eziil BOM helps solve these challenges.

Eziil Project Business Manager / jaak.veebel@eziil.com

Watch the replay of the webinar

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